Creative voice over examples
I love delivering creative voice over, it's just so much fun!
Have a watch of the creative New Zealand voice over examples below. Also see how I can play character roles and deliver accents to bring your work to life.
Creative examples
Creative examples
The Real Rare Arctic Firefly - 48hours 2017
Salomon vs Salomon Case Study
Wellingtopia - 48hours 2016
It's not everyone'sThrift-y Style (Tiny Film) Share cup of tea
The Real Rare Arctic Firefly - 48 Hours 2017
Produced by Wellington animators Lovely Bongo Drums.
I voiced the part of Morgan.
Awards and Nominations
- Winner for Best Animation (Grand Finals)
- Winner for Best Original Score (Grand Finals)
- Wellington City Finalist
- Winner for Best Animation (Wellington)
- Winner for Best Original Score (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Director (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Female Director (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Use of Sound Effect (Wellington)
Salomon vs. Salomon
Produced by Open Polytechnic as a case study for the Bachelor of Business
I was voiceover for all characters and narration in this piece and most of the sound effects
Wellingtopia - 48 Hours 2016
Produced by Wellington animators Lovely Bongo Drums.
I voiced the loud speaker voice on introduction.
Awards and Nominations
- NZ Grand Finalist
- Nomination for Best Original Score (Grand Finals)
- Wellington City Finalist
- Winner of Best Original Score (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Director (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Animation (Wellington)
- Nomination for Best Script (Wellington)
- 1st Audience Favourite (Heat 6)
Thrift-y Style (Tiny Film)
Produced on the collaborative creative platform HitRECord
I provided voiceover.
Orginal piece can be viewed at HitRECord